Attention Mental Health Professionals
Are you a therapist looking to find your specialty niche?
Learn how to become a Kink Aware Professional
Increase your knowledge and expand your skill set!
You definitely don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity!
You’re Just 1 Click Away from
becoming a Certified Kink Aware Therapist….

Michael Holler
The information I’ve learned about Alternative Sexual Practices and Kink Culture has given me the tools and confidence I need to work with this Alternative Lifestyle population as a Therapist.

The course is engaging and filled with amazing information to work with Kinky Clients.

Nicki Robbins
Dr. Harmony is an incredible Instructor and a vault of knowledge.
Discover How You Go From Being A Therapist To a Certified Kink Aware Therapist
I’m here to hold your hand every step of the way and make sure you reach the finish line! Are you with me? Click the link below to learn more about our Kink Aware Therapy Certification Program.

Dr. Patsy Evans
a.k.a. Dr. Harmony
2017 – All Rights Reserved.